Google Hacking remains a valuable source for sensitive data

What is google hacking?

Google hacking, also known as Google dorking, is the practice of using advanced operators in the Google search engine to find security vulnerabilities in websites. These operators can be used to search for specific file types, sensitive information, and other vulnerability-related information. It is often used by security researchers and hackers to find vulnerabilities in websites and networks. There are google Dork lists which can be used in combination with your domain. If any result appears in Kaduu, it means that there is a possible security vulnerability or data exposure in one of the webservices of your organisation.

Google Hacking

What vulnerabilities can be exposed using google hacking?

Google hacking can be used to expose a variety of vulnerabilities in websites, including:

  • Google hacking can be used to search for sensitive information such as credit card numbers, social security numbers, and login credentials that may have been accidentally exposed on a website.
  • Vulnerable files and directories: Advanced operators can be used to search for specific file types, such as .php or .asp, that may indicate a vulnerability in a website’s code.
  • Misconfigured servers: Google hacking can be used to search for servers that have been misconfigured, such as those that have directory listing enabled, which can reveal sensitive information about the server and its contents.
  • Backdoors: Google hacking can be used to search for backdoors, which are small programs that can be used to gain unauthorized access to a system.
  • Sensitive government or military information
  • Healthcare information, such as medical records and personal health information.
  • Open ports: Google hacking can be used to search for open ports on a network, which can indicate a vulnerability that can be exploited by attackers.
  • Exposed databases: Google hacking can also be used to search for exposed databases, which can contain sensitive information such as customer data, financial information, etc

Why does Google Dorking work?

Google dorking works because it leverages Google’s search capabilities to find information that may not be easily discoverable or intended for public access. By using specific search operators and queries, a person can locate sensitive information, such as vulnerabilities, that may have been accidentally exposed on the web. This technique is often used by security researchers, but can also be used by malicious actors to locate targets for attack.

How does Google Dorking work?

Google dorking works by using specific syntax and operators in Google search queries to locate information that is not easily accessible or is intended to be hidden. For example, a person can use the “site:” operator to search for specific terms within a specific website, or the “filetype:” operator to search for specific types of files (such as PDFs or spreadsheets). By using these and other operators, a person can uncover information that may not be readily visible on the web.

Can you automate the process of Google Dorking?

You can use Kaduu to monitor exposure of sensitive data in relation with a google Dork list and query Google via API together with your domains.


It’s important to note that while Google dorking can be used for legitimate purposes, such as uncovering vulnerabilities in computer systems or locating publicly accessible information, it can also be used by malicious actors to find sensitive information that can be exploited for illegal or malicious purposes.